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Oracle CRM On Demand Software Review

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Professional Services Support and Training

Oracle has operated its consulting arm for over a decade and they have a robust and well developed core delivery model for services. In addition to their in house consultancy that is armed with their base deployment plan, Oracle has a wide reaching network of third party implementation partners (called integrators in most cases as it conveys there must be some value added by the partner).

Oracle On Demand clients report a wide range of experiences with consultants – both Oracle employed and third parties. What this serves to highlight yet again is the importance of interviewing your implementation consultants before the implementation starts. In general, you can expect Oracle On Demand consultants to be extremely well versed in the software product and technology. The more projects that a consultant has completed with some relevance to yours, the better they will perform on your project. Be wary of being sold Oracle On Demand consultants who are moving into your industry for the first time and/or who have been working with smaller project to date as these are symptoms that you are being staffed sub-optimally for your project. What seems a common theme in working with Oracle On Demand consultants is that you are paying a premium for the Oracle name and processes, and that the consultants are focused almost entirely on the system. Thus, if you are seeking to improve by embedding best practices or looking for creative process solutions while implementing your CRM, you will not get this help from Oracle. Moreover, there is significant risk that Oracle will steer you towards the default model for their system’s operation regardless of your needs for greater functionality.

The fact that Oracle derives significant margin from its professional services group overall makes it clear to the industry that Oracle On Demand will almost always be the most costly solution overall. Typical Oracle On Demand implementation projects will be a minimum of three-times the license cost and can run upwards quickly if integration is required to anything other than an Oracle ERP system.

Other Comparable CRM Solutions To Consider

When suggesting alternatives to Oracle products, it is hard not to consider SAP. Oracle and SAP control the enterprise market for ERP systems and both firms have been known to significantly reduce prices to get a CRM sale. Even with that discount, we have never seen an Oracle CRM On Demand or SAP CRM project come in at a lower cost than pure hosted CRM providers can offer. A more thorough assessment of your options follows:

Vendor Deployment Options Target Market Key Reasons To Consider
Aplicor CRM SaaS Mid-Market, Enterprise Greatest ease of use among CRM software systems
Balanced strength in all modules
Integrated back office ERP software suite
NetSuite SaaS Small to Midsize Business (SMB) Integrated back office ERP software suite
Strong e-commerce functionality
RightNow SaaS Mid-Market Leader in Customer Support
Leader in SaaS Self Service
Sage CRM On Premise, SaaS Small to Midsize Business (SMB) Both deployment options with a comparable footprint to MS CRM SaaS Small to Enterprise SFA functionality is strong
AppExchange catalog of third party solutions is large


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